Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Anna’s Weight Loss Journey Update


I am happy to report I have lost a total of 50 lbs since November 2012! I feel much better, look much better, and I have much more energy.  I have dropped 4 dress/pant sizes! I have about 20-25 more pounds I would like to lose.

I wanted to change my diet up a bit and eat a more varied variety of foods – healthy foods still, but a larger selection so I don’t get bored. 
I have completed 2 rounds of the HCG shots/diet with the 500 calorie diet.  After each round of HCG shots, my diet choices and caloric intake increased a bit, but not much.  But, the original Simeons HCG Diet works GREAT! The first 30 days (round of shots) I dropped 31 lbs! The second round was not as drastic, but still, 19 lbs in 30 days is nothing to be upset about. 

I have been reading numerous books, some mentioned throughout my blog trying to see what type of diet/healthy eating style I want to do.  The Mediterranean Diet is full of healthy oils and is very heart healthy. The Primal Diet and Paleo Diet are both great having us go back to our beginnings eating whole foods as much as possible.

The Wheat Belly Diet eliminates all wheat from the diet which I have already done! Wheat of today is not the wheat our great grandparents and grandparents ate.  Today’s wheat has been so genetically altered to feed the masses and withstand disease and drought, it is UNHEALTHY for us.  It also increases the blood sugar more than SUGAR or a Snicker’s Bar! This increases insulin production thus increasing belly fat! They also add an appetite stimulant to the wheat products making us want more and more! This “whole grain” you see that is put into nearly every single thing we eat is HORRIBLY unhealthy! I can tell a huge difference in how I feel since being off wheat.  My migraines have stopped.  I am no longer craving the “junk” I used to crave. 

Reading sites like www.againstallgrain.com and www.marksdailyapple.com help to give me good wheat free and grain free recipes. There are tons of other helpful sites I use.

After watching several other food documentaries such as:  Food Inc., Fat Head, Forks Over Knives, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, Vegucated, and Food Matters.  These can be found on Amazon.com (see my link on the upper left hand corner to find them easily on Amazon to purchase or watch them. Some can be watched on Netflix too.

I have also gone completely soda free – diet and regular.  After watching the food documentary Hungryfor Change on Netflix or Amazon, I cannot even fathom drinking a diet soda again EVER.  Diet sodas actually KILL brain cells! They also exacerbate osteoporosis!  I do not want help in either of these areas! I need ALL my brain cells and my bone mass! Diet sodas also make you FATTER.  They increase insulin production which goes straight to belly fat!

No matter what the choice, to have good weight loss results, it is IMPERATIVE to eat very low carbs especially sugars and starches.  I am thinking I will do a combination of the above mentioned diets.  My goal is to eat whole foods as much as possible, stay wheat and grain free, increase my good fats (nuts, olive oil, coconut oil etc), keep carbs to a minimum especially starches and sugars, eat natural and unrefined sugars, eat mainly grass fed meats and whole fat grass fed dairy.  Fat does NOT make you fat!

The government and FDA tout canola oil, corn oil, hydrogenated oils, vegetable oil, and peanut oil are NOT GOOD for us! They are very unhealthy! Margarine is one of THE worst products you can ingest! It is nothing but unhealthy chemicals!

Oh, and any product you see that is labeled LOW FAT has nearly DOUBLE the sugar as the regular choice that is not low fat! They add sugar to make up for the loss of taste when the fat is removed.  Not only that, in milk and dairy products, when they remove the FAT and make 2%, 1%, and skim milk they put in an additive that is a cancer causing agent!!!!

What we have been taught our whole lives as to how to eat healthy has been completely and deadly WRONG.  The food pyramid has been reversed putting grains and breads on the bottom largest part of the food pyramid! That should be meats, fruits, and vegetables! Our grandparents had it right! Eat whole home grown foods, grass fed meats, grass fed whole fat dairy, lots of fruits and vegetables, and lots of nuts.  Get lots of exercise and a good night’s rest.  They had it completely right! Organic and grass-fed is the ONLY way to eat!

The processed, quick to prepare products bombarding our food stores are making us fatter and fatter.  Eat foods that look like they did when they came off the tree or out of the ground.  Stay away from processed foods, refined sugars, and hydrogenated foods!

I have learned that eating healthy does not have to mean tasteless or boring! It does not mean I have to DIET forever.  It is a new way of thinking and a new way of eating (actually a very old and primitive way). I can make any bread, cookie, pie, cake, pancake, and waffle, etc. my family wants wheat free and grain free and HEALTHY! Is my family worth it? You bet they are! 

My goal is to be on a 2,000 calorie per day or less eating regimen until I get this last 25 lbs off.  J I am also going to try Complete Nutrition’s Reveal Maximum strength since I am coming off a 500 calorie HCG diet just to give me a boost as I do not want to plateau.  I have to see results fairly quickly or I get bored. 

Basically, if the government or FDA says do it or eat it- DON’T!

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